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Blog | Dwarf Cove Games

Starship Battles Briefing: Defend Cards

Pew Pew!Pew Pew!

In Starship Battles, there are three types of cards that depict ship compartments: Attack, Defend, and Support. Defend cards are a very important part of the game’s strategy.  Without defensive capabilities, a starship will take a real beating.  In this post, we’ll take a look at the Defend cards, and how they’re used. Read more

Starship Battles Briefing: Attack Cards

Pew Pew!Pew Pew!
Pew Pew!

In Starship Battles, there are three types of cards that depict ship compartments: Attack, Defend, and Support.  The most important of these is Attack.  Without offensive capabilities, a battle would be quite one-sided.  In this post, we’ll take a look at the Attack cards, and how they’re used. Read more